Rich and Poor Socks


Rich and Poor Socks

Rich and poorer socks. These two are synonymous. Rich socks are the kind where you pay more for quality and craftsmanship as opposed to a lower price. The higher the price tag, the better quality and the more expensive the sock. The opposite is true of poor quality socks. The cheaper the price is, the lesser the quality so it’s a toss up between these two.

Sometimes you don’t have an option because of economic class. It’s not fair but fashion is what it is. Some people just can’t afford top of the line fashion. They have to do what they do, which means wearing whatever they need to wear. Those people on the lower rungs of the economic scale can afford more fancy fashions that can actually look pretty good, even though they’re not really made of top of the line material.

Rich and Poor socks are only one aspect of fashion. What many people don’t realize is that poor people are just as fashion savvy as richer people. Rich people buy clothing based on trends and poor people buy clothing depending on whether or not they’re in a recession. It’s their own damn mistake.
